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Monday, April 30, 2012

The Search for a Good Time

The question had been raised several times over the past few seasons. This time we found the answer. Years ago the drive-in was the place to be on a Friday or Saturday nite. There was always plenty of action. Some was a little shady. For the most part it was good clean fun. Alot of you guy's remember Crusier's Drive-in, Strats(which became legendary) Swoony's, Skipper's, Bopper's, Flukey's and The Frosted Mug. All had a different crowd hanging at each one which meant different cars. None of these places i mentioned above where as famous as Duke's Drive-in. Thoughout the 80's and early 90's these where the places to be. Then it all came to a stop like someone turned out a light. The drive-in's started closing up. People got married, had children, moved away or moved on to something else. Then all the towns that used to write 10 dollar tickets for loitering and chased hot rodders out. All of the sudden accepted the car crowd with open arms. These show's where fun at first but then i noticed that most of these guy's wanted nothing to do with cruising or even going to two show's a nite. They also pack up and leave before the sun goes down. Don't make any sense to me. I came up with the name "lawn chair jockey's" to name these guy's. So between the jockey's and the yuppies with double wide strollers and their undisiplined dogs and guy's that seem to think that brand new Mustang's and Corvettes should be able to participate in a "classic car" show. These shows started to become a drag. So the question was raised "are there still Drive-in shows" If so are some of the old haunts still around? The answer is YES!!One Saturday nite a bunch of us took a ride to Dukes Drive-in. When we got there we knew right away that nothing had changed! The place was packed! Check out the pictures. Later in the summer we hit a few more places some where good others not so much. Miller's Dog-n-Suds in Fox Lake was a good one that we will be returning too. Swoony's is still going although the crowd has changed a bit. This year we will be hitting a few more. Stay posted here for a complete list of where we are going a little later.